Allen Ginsberg Is Now A "Household Word"

Darling, would you please hand me the Allen Ginsberg? I've had a terrible day. First of all, one of my favorite blue kaddishes broke, you know, that Aunt Rose sent from Europe. Then, that silly old al gizmo fell apart in the basement. The repairman said it might be cracked or even kerouacked, can't tell which. Well, whatever can I do? Horace Jr. began to beat his beets and howl, actually howl, for more ginzy on his reality sandwich. So I just sent him our for a copy of the Planet News. When I was getting ready for you, dear sweetheart, to empty mirror broke and I knew bad luck was near. Horace came back to the Planet News, headline read: City Lights Gone Out - People Gone Mad Throwing Ferlingetti All Over Streets. I think today is just an airplane dream. So, darling would you please hand me the Allen Ginsberg.